Thank You God for Challenges

Holy God,

Who am I, that you have blessed me as you have? Lord, I am thankful for the blessings you have given me. Thank You for the family I have, the friends that you have put in my life. God thank you for the little things every day that make life worth living. A smile from a co-worker, a laugh from a friend, kindness from a stranger. Oh God, I am so grateful for those things. I am grateful for the things I tend to take for granted, food, water, a home to sleep in, clean air to breathe. Thank You, God, for all of those things. But Lord I am also thankful for the challenges you have put in my life. The difficulties, the tests, the hard things. See you are so good. You can see the big picture, which is something I think us humans struggle with sometimes. You can see that every challenge is an opportunity to overcome it. Challenges make it possible to learn how to be brave, how to get back up when life knocks you down, how to stand strong in the face of adversity. I am grateful for them because they made me who I am. No, I’m not perfect, but I am strong in my faith, I am ready to meet every challenge set before me with prayer and perseverance. I am ready to fight the good fight, run the race and win it all for You. Your word says that you can bring good out of absolutely anything. I believe that God. And I believe that you are there right beside me through every hard thing in life. You are there walking beside me ready to catch me when I trip, You are there holding out Your hand willing to pull me through.  You are God. You are good. Thank You for everything you have given me.


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