What is Better

Hey Y’all!

Luke 10:38-42

Ever have that moment when you realize you are simply physically not capable to complete the to do list you have set for yourself? It’s kind of a frustrating moment. Even if we actually cannot do what we wanted to get done, it feels like a “not-good-enough” kinda thing. And it stinks. With a growing amount of things on our to-do list everyday we sometimes have to limit ourselves, and it doesn’t feel good. It doesn’t feel good to put an “x” where we wanted a check mark. Especially when we get to the end of the day and realize we ran out of time for the most important things. I know on days when I’m especially busy things like “Pray for 10 minutes” or “Read a chapter of Scripture” often get put off until last. It’s possible I have exceptionally poor prioritizing skills, but most people I know struggle to do this on a consistent daily basis. It’s hard, it really is, especially when other things have due dates! Then Prayer and Scripture get shoved way down the list! But that’s not how it’s supposed to be. There is so much knowledge, so much wisdom, reassurance, love in spending time with God. It really is what is better. As a child, I would go into Sunday school and listen to the story of Mary and Martha. I absolutely did not understand why Martha was running around cleaning up while Jesus was inside her house! I did not get it at all, being like Mary and listening to Jesus seemed like the obvious better option. And while I can still see why I would think like that, it’s a lot harder to relate to Mary than I like to admit. I personally thrive on being busy. I hate sitting still, especially when there are things to be done. My friend Hannah often commented when we worked together on that. If it was slow I would pick up a broom or glass cleaner, or I would fidget, or straighten everything to the point where anyone would think I was OCD. It’s just my personality, and I’ve noticed it at home too. One day without school and I go crazy, trying to do a thousand things at once; vacuum downstairs? No problem! Mow the lawn? Great! Bake cookies? Why not 6 dozen? Rearrange my entire bedroom? Why the heck not? (Actual examples that really happened.) I don’t like to sit still. But that’s what we are called to do sometimes, be still and breathe in the fact that God is God. We are commanded to rest, to take a break to recharge our hearts and minds so that we are ever ready to pour out into others. That’s just so hard to do! In today’s world it almost feels like a contest on who can survive on the least sleep, who can accomplish the most insane amount of stuff in a day, who has the most overwhelming checklist. It’s not what it’s supposed to be. So maybe it’s time to change things around. Try a new routine that involves time with God, and time for rest. Maybe it means dropping some activities that are not the most important to you. I don’t know what it looks like. Or maybe you are a fantastic planner and somehow manage that time every day- if so I applaud you! Just don’t forget to spend some time with the one who gave it all for you today.

Oh God,

You are so good. You have blessed me beyond anything I deserve. You took away my sins and I am so grateful. I love you LORD! I want to live out that love in how I treat people, in how I speak, and in how I spend my time. Holy LORD you are worthy of all I have to give and more. You are so good.


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