A time for change, Chapter One

Sarah Simmons walked down the sidewalk leading to her 1950’s home. She lived in one of the oldest neighborhoods in town, but she didn’t mind. She liked the old feeling of the house; the shallow walls, the crystal doorknobs that fell out of the door if you weren’t careful, the creaky wooden floors…. like I said, she liked the old home. And she loved the feel of the neighborhood, how each neighbor was family, and life ran like clockwork. The kids on one side of the street were playmates of those on the other, her best friend lived just down the road.  One of the neighbors, one-door down, was sitting on the porch as Sarah walked by.

“Why Hello Sarah dear. How has your day been?” Called old miss Ravensbird from her favorite wicker chair. Miss Ravensbird was a bit odd around Sarah, she always treated her as if Sarah was her grandmother.


“It went fine, thank you for asking Miss Ravensbird.” Sarah said, hurrying along.  Miss Ravensbird wasn’t an unpleasant person to be around, not at all. But you would not be very eager to be around a 98 year old lady who acts as if you are her elder.

Sarah ran up her sidewalk and opened the door, then something very odd happened.  A wind hit, a wind so strong it could have been a tornado.  Sarah shut her eyes to keep the dust out,  and, as soon as it had started the wind was over. She blinked open her eyes, and was shocked to find herself in a field.  All around her there was nothing in sight, no building, no road, nothing. Just grass, and a few stunted trees. What is going on? Sarah thought.  She looked down at her dress- wait, a dress? She had been wearing fresh pressed jeans only seconds ago?  She picked up her dress and picked her way through the pasture. After about an hour of wandering through what seemed like endless grass and weeds, she came upon a small town. The town was bustling with activity, as though everyone was getting ready for a big event, yet everyone paused for a moment when she came into view.

“Hello?” She spoke rather tentatively.  As soon as she had spoken the words everyone started about their business again. Everyone, that is, except a young girl, who looked up at me in surprise.

“Lily?” She asked, “Where’d you get that fancy dress?”

“Who’s Lily?”

“You. My big sister.”



(This is the 1st chapter in a website exclusive series.)

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