Be Doers of THE Word

James 1:19-22

“Be doers of the word.”

God’s word is a book inspired by our Heavenly Father. It is a book for teaching, learning, it has instruction on how to live your life. It deserves respect, and more importantly attention. Daily attention. You cannot know what a book is about unless you actually read it, like, a lot. You could read the Bible 99 times and still be struck by something the 100th time you read it. No matter how many times you read it you can still learn from it. I’m not saying you have to read the whole thing, although that is a good goal, it’s more important to study it, to understand it. This is not an easy task, but is does get easier if you study it and read it daily, in a quiet time with God.

I did not read my Bible daily for a long, long time. Every time I tried to do it it just became frustrating and boring.

Then I started studying it. Not necessarily in order, but whatever I felt that I needed to focus on. I am a teenager with acne issues, so I would become frustrated  about that, so I did inner beauty v.s. outer beauty studies and, now, it doesn’t bother me any more.

I was having trouble being joyful when times were hard, then I did a Bible study on that, and prayed, and now I’m better at it.

The point is, reading your Bible daily will help you a lot, not only that day, but in the long run as well.

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