Time with God, and Peace

“How do you find peace in the hectic, crazy world around us?”  A friend asked me one day. “Well, that’s a good question, one that I’m not sure I can answer without some thought.” I answered. “But you have peace, I have never seen…

Light of the World

John 8:12 Says that Jesus is the light of the world. If we have Jesus in our hearts, then are we too light of the world? I think we should be. We should shine with the light of Jesus, by honoring Him with our…

Christianity is Doing

“Our actions speak louder than our words.” What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? The answer is fairly simple, but it will change your life. The word “disciple” is about a student or apprentice. Disciples back when Jesus day would…


Psalm 18:1-3 The LORD has saved us from many a situation, and we don’t even realize it. How many times have you said, “That could have gone badly.”? It probably would have if the LORD wasn’t watching over you.  He does so much for…


Matthew  7:7-23 Reading the Bible daily is good, but taking it’s meaning into your everyday life is better.  Doing God’s will above your own is the surest path to life. Saying you’re doing God’s will, but doing your only your own is the surest…

What is Praise?

Psalm 34:1-3 What is praise? How do we praise God at all times? I think by being as much like Jesus as we can, and bringing glory to God’s name, and singing about His glory. I also think that praying can praise Him. If…

Parables of Jesus Christ

Matthew 13:1-23 When you hear a parable and think of it as just a story it loses it’s meaning. But when to you take a few minutes to think about the meaning of the story, you are enlightened, and will think of the meaning…