Once Upon a Time

Ever wish you lived in a fairy tale? In a wonderful world where yes, there is evil, but good always wins? Yeah. Me too. I especially like the part where a prince in shining armor swoops in and saves the day. But that’s not…

Thank You God for Challenges

Holy God, Who am I, that you have blessed me as you have? Lord, I am thankful for the blessings you have given me. Thank You for the family I have, the friends that you have put in my life. God thank you for…


Hey guys, So one of the most important aspects of being a Christian is worhsip. Not just singing with your hands in the air, but when what you do praises God. Let me give you a quick definition of worship: noun reverent honor and…

Song of My Father

Hey Reader, I hope that you are having a wonderful day. I hope that today you remember that you are so, so richly loved. I hope that today you remember that you are created in the image of God. I hope that you remember…

Prayer :)

Dear God, You are wonderful. You are good. Let me say that first because everything else I am about to say is completely dependant on those two truths. I am forgiven. Not because I’ve earned forgiveness. Not because I deserve it. Not because I’m…


Hey guys! I truly hope that you are doing well and enjoying this beautiful, God-given day today! If you are not, remember that He is with you to help you through it! I am here to pray for y’all whenever you need me to!…

Singin’ to my Savior

Hey guys, Sing to God today! Just a reminder to sing to the LORD of LORDs! There are so many great Christian artists and bands out there that you can enjoy no matter what type of music you are normally into. Seriously, my youtube…


I got up early enough to be outside to watch the sunrise this morning. It was amazing. I was overcome with a sense of joy and peace and I started singing, hymns, random songs I made up, pop songs that could be about God….

A Prayer List

Love is patient, love is kind, love does not envy, is not boastful, is not conceited, does not act in-properly, is not selfish, is not provoked, does not keep a record of wrongs, finds no joy in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth. Bears…

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why do bad things happen to good people? This is the main argument atheist have against Christianity, because they find it hard to believe that there is a God that is all powerful, and all good, and that that God would let bad things…