Inner Beauty Part Three: The way we think

One of the Hardest things to change about ourselves is the way we think.  How easy is it, really, to change the way we style our hair, or the way we talk, or the way we write? It’s pretty easy, but changing the way…

Inner Beauty Part 2: Judging ourselves

1 Samuel 16:7 Another problem with us (humans) and beauty: we pay way too much attention to our personal outer beauty.  How much time do you spend in the mirror everyday? How many times have you worried about the way you looked? God doesn’t…

Inner Beauty Part 1: Judging it.

Outer beauty is something the world around us obsesses with. It is difficult to truly see what God wants us to see. I know you have probably heard this before, but It is more important to be pretty on the inside than it is…

Be Doers of THE Word

James 1:19-22 “Be doers of the word.” God’s word is a book inspired by our Heavenly Father. It is a book for teaching, learning, it has instruction on how to live your life. It deserves respect, and more importantly attention. Daily attention. You cannot…

Message from the Author

Hi readers! First of all I want to thank you so much for coming to my website! I’m  so happy to have you on here! Secondly, I am trying to turn this website into a Bible study guide, but I need your help! If…

Life is an adventure.

Life is an adventure. Life is meant, by God to be abundant. People are the greatest treasure God is writing a beautiful story in your life, and the most exciting thing we can ever do is learn to embrace it. I close my eyes…